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Monday, June 4, 2012


Why do you think Hannah (Chaya) is starting to lose sight of what is reality and what is not?  Why may this become a problem for her?  Explain.


  1. Hanna is starting to lose sight of what is real and not real because she is acting more like chaya. This could have a problem because when she wakes up she would still think that she is chaya.

  2. Hannah is loseing sight of what is real and what is not because she thincks see is chaya. This couls be a problem because when see get ups see might thinck she is Chaya

    Brock Butkovsky

  3. Hannah is starting to lose sight of what is real and not real because every one is convinsing her that she is chaya because she when back into time to become chaya. This could be a problem because she may not get back to becoming hannah again.

    Justin LeMoine

  4. Kaitlin Kerr

    I think Hannah is starting to lose sight of what is real and what is not because, people like Shmuel, Gitl, and Yitzchak keep calling her Chaya. There are also the little things like how the shoes fit perfectly on her feet, and how the name Gitl "feels natural". I also don't think it's helping that she can't figure out how to leave! This may become a problem for her because if she can’t figure out how to leave she will give up, and eventually forget who she is, leaving her stuck as Chya.

  5. Hannah is starting to lose sight of what is reality and what is not reality because she has been transported back in time for a day now. She also is beggining to lose sight because everything seems so real, like the food. To her, it did not taste like dream food did. It tasted like real food. She is also losing sight because everyone is saying things like, "You were very sick, so that is why you are acting so wierd." and dismissing her confused behavior because of Chaya's illness. I can connect to this one time because when I was driving to the Hudson River to get on a cruise ship, I saw a humongous fire at an apartment complex. Sometime while we on the cruise, I saw a newscast saying that the apartment I saw in NYC was a famous person's. The newcast had also said that Kate Winslet had been staying there and had carried the famous person who owned the apartment mother out. To this day I cannot figure out if it was real because: A. It felt like reality, but it might have been an elusive thing. B: The apartment looked in really terrible condition (it may have just been the fire) to be a celebrities. And C: I don't think Kate Winslet would carry out an eldery person or randomly be at a persons apartment in NYC.
    This is how I could connect to Chaya, and how she is losing sight of reality.

    Magical Melly

  6. She is starting to lose sight because she is starting to act like chaya and think like her and she has realized that it is not a dream and how things start to seem so real like when she had called to Gitl and it seemed so natrual and how the shoes had fit her perfectly. This could be a problem because Hannah may forget about her old life and will never try to return home.

    ~~~~ Meg C.


  7. Hannah is losing sight of reality because she went back in time and now she thinks that is really where she is living and she thinks that her real life was just a dream and this is the time period she lives in.

    By Nick Isabella

  8. In the story I was thinking about the both Hannah and the real Chaya being where Hannah
    is. I thought when Hannah and Chaya realize this is not a dream they will try to get back in their own bodies and that for both of them that there will be a major internal conflict and their mind doesn't have the correct info that while Hannah is in Chaya's body and the other way around is that a modern mind will do the things a older mind would do and the other way around. With this (if their bodies change back and not blend) they will be left with each others problems to deal with that the other person made.
    James Stead

    (I thought you may want to share this to the class.)

  9. I think Hannah is starting to become Chaya because she is getting used to the environment she is in now, this will be a huge problem when the holocaust starts because Hannah is Aunt Eva's friend who dies in a consentration camp later on.
    - Lexi Getner

  10. Hannah is starting to lose sight because she is acting much more like chaya, and realizing that this isnt a dream, its real. This can be a problem because she might not go back to home and never go back to her real life

    -Johnny Migliazza

  11. Hannah is losing sight of her past because in the atmosphere she is in dahs is acting like Chaya more than herself. She is beginning it's real rather than a dream. This may become a problem because she may never go back to her real time and be stuck as Chaya FOREVER!!!! Muahahahahahahahaha

  12. I think Hannah is losing her sight of her past because she has to live Chaya's life and act like her. They also look the same so you can't really tell the difference. This could become a problem for her because she could get sidetracked from her main concern; she needs to get back home. If she doesn't get back to her own time and family, she could become stuck as Chaya. Then she wouldn't be able to see her friends or family again, let alone be herself. She needs to change back soon or else!

    -Jackie Plavnicky

    1. Yeah. Thats what I have been thinking!!!

      ~Magical Melly

  13. I think that Hannah is losing sight of reality as she is getting used to her new life as Chaya. This is because she is living as chaya and is acting as her so she is starting to think that this is reality and before was a dream. This could be a problem as she is going to forget all about going home and if that happens she might die in a concentration camp like the real Chaya did.
    Thomas Scinto

  14. I think that Hannah is losing sight of her past because so many things are happening to her that feel like reality.She needs to snap out of it because she may fully become Chaya and as we all know, Chaya dies!!!

  15. Lexie Gomez
    The Devil's Arithmetic

    I think that Hannah is forgetting who her real identity is and slowly becoming Chaya.I think this because Hannah is now acting like Chaya and getting used to her new life. What really surprised me, was when the shoes that Hannah put on fit her perfectly and at that moment it really felt like Hannah wasn't the same person and would have to carry on the role of Chaya.Hannah has to find a way to go back to reality and not experience what Chaya had to go through.

  16. I think this is bad because Hannah might end up actually becoming Chaya and dying in the holocaust. Before Hannah said she was named after Aunt Eva's friend who died in the holocaust. If Hannah doesn't realize she is slowly slipping away from her actual life she might never go back.

    I do have one question............. Is there a "Hannah" at Hannah's real house? Or did she dissapear?

    Rebecca Rancourt

    1. That's a good question I am thinking that too. Is that the farther this story in the holocaust goes on the more she is forgotten or not?

      From :D Ashley Marcinek

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I think Hannah (Chaya) is forgetting who she is, but she still remembers her family. I can tell this because Hannah (Chaya) is starting to not mind people calling her Chaya and some of the names she is saying is starting to role off her tongue. Before the wedding the dress and shoes that Hannah was never going to fit in fit her as Chaya. she is now finding out that this is no joke and has to play as Chaya for a while.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I think The longer hannah stays in this time period the more memories she gets there and the more she feels like Chaya. This is bad because if she forgets her past then she'll stop perusing and tring to remember hannah. Then, her aunt eva was Chaya and hannah/ Chaya might be killed.

    From- Ashley Marcinek:):):):):):P

  21. The Amazing and Epic Elias LevyJune 4, 2012 at 6:10 PM

    I think that Hannah is starting to lose sight of reality because, with everyone affirming that she is Chaya, she is starting to become Chaya. Since she is playing the role of Chaya, who died in World War 2, she might die instead of Chaya now.

  22. The Devil's Arithmetic

    I think that Hannah is losing her sight of reality because she is starting to act more like Chaya. Hannah is acting like Chaya and she is starting to think it is reality and not a dream. So this is going to be a big problem because Hannah is going to forget about her family and the life that she had. And Hannah would probably actually think that she is Chaya and she would have to go through what all the Jews had to deal with. Hannah/Chaya might die because in WW2 Chaya died in a Concentration Camp and Hannah might go through the same exact thing.

    Julianna Barker!!!!!!! :)

  23. I think that she is losing sight of reality because everyone is calling her a different name and she thinks that this is all a game. so she is getting tired of playing what she thinks is a game so she says she is Hannah and Chaya's uncle thinks it is a joke and she just wants them to just stop because she is tired of being a part of their "game"

  24. I think Hannah is losing her sight of her past because she is living Chaya's life and acting like her. This could become a problem for her because she could forget what needs to be done, (get back home) and she could get taken to a concentration camp just like Chaya and be killed!If she can't get home quick, the Nazis are going to show up.

    Gaby Hirsch :)

  25. I think that Hannah is starting to loose sight of reality because in the past, she is not Hannah. She is called, "Chaya", and starting to live her life. She thinks that the people who are calling her that are just playing a game with her. This can be a problem because she can be dragged by the Nazis into the concentration camps, and can be killed there. Also, since everyone is calling her Chaya, she can forget her real identity, and her family.

    Chris John

  26. I think that Hannah is loosing sight of reality, because she is starting to believe that she is Chaya, instead of who she really is, Hannah.

    -Zack Lee

  27. I think that Hannah is losing the sight of her past because she isn't living her real life, so she actually living Chaya's life. That could be a bad thing for her because she might forget about her real life and start turning into Chaya. This is a problem because the Nazis might come soon and she will have to go through that trouble and maybe even go into concentration camps.
    -Erica Pullen :D

  28. I think that Hannah is partly losing sight of reality, and starting not to try in every way she can to wake her self up from the dream she thinks she's having. She is no longer really yelling that she's from New Rochelle, in New York, in America. She still thinks herself as Hannah, but accepts everyone calling her Chaya.


  29. I think that Hannah is losing sight of her own life is living Chaya's life. This could be bad thing for her because she might completely forget her life in the present time as Hannah and she might start turning into Chaya. This could also be bad because if she does turn into Chaya, she could end up facing the same fate that happened to her aunts dead friend.

    - Eliana Trevino
